Visit Results Gym Aberdeen's website

Results Gym Aberdeen

Results gym is an Aberdeen-based gym focused on strength sports, functional fitness and athletics

Web Design, Branding, Hosting & Website Care, Graphic Design, Photography, General IT


I helped develop extensive branding which reflected the gym's no-nonsense ethos and approach to fitness.


I designed a new website for Results Gym and a number of features have been added since its launch:

  • E-Commerce shop for sale of merchandise and other products
  • Online Membership sign-up
  • Booking system integrations

Design & Print

I have produced a variety of printed and digital assets for Results Gym - signage, banners, flyers, posters, flags, t-shirt designs, and much more.

I.T. Setup

I have aided and consulted with Results Gym in the development of numerous I.T. systems including:

  • PC builds
  • Networking consultation for wired infrastructure and customer WiFi
  • Ubiquiti Unifi Protect CCTV consultation
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