Visit Aberdeen Grammar Rugby's website

Aberdeen Grammar Rugby

Aberdeen Grammar Rugby is a well-established rugby club which was founded in 1893

Web Design, Hosting & Website Care

Aberdeen Grammar Rugby (AGR) contacted me in mid-2021 with a mind to update their existing website.

Their previous website was built using a variety of 3rd party plugins for much of its functionality. This led to a few problems, such as limited customization and data import issues. With this in mind and the fact that considerable content & styling updates were still required, the decision was made to rebuild the website from scratch.

Website Functionality

In addition to the fresh new design for the ‘Newsroom’ (containing some 300+ Articles about the club), I created freely editable custom functionalities for:

  • Fixture Tables– Fixtures for upcoming games
  • League Tables– Current league standings
  • Our Squad– A section displaying all current members of the senior team, complete with their stats and individual sponsors
  • Photo Albums– A collection of match-day images from various rubgy game

Several user-editable areas of the website were also built to be easily edited by the AGR media team, including Club Sponsors, Board Member Contact Information, and Homepage Banners. A fantastic new ‘Club Archives’ section was also created. This project aims to digitally preserve several old AGR club documents dating back over 100 years!

Other Pages

I set up a low-cost cloud-based form software to replace AGR’s previous paper & cheque system. All memberships are now submitted and paid for directly online through these forms. I designed and built a number of informative pages including Club Information, Visitor Information, and Sponsorship Opportunities using content collated from the previous website.

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